last updated:
November 12, 2024
About SRO

Phase 4: Collaborate – Large-Scale Involvement of Employees or Local Partners

In the Collaborate phase, social media is utilized more broadly to further spread and strengthen the brand message. Thanks to management support from the previous phase, there’s greater organizational buy-in. Employees or local partners now understand how social media contributes to broader business goals. In this phase, companies can choose to activate either a larger group of employees as brand ambassadors or local partners such as dealers, franchisees, and other brand representatives through the local hero approach.

This phase is marked by a strategic use of owned and earned media, where local profiles or employees’ personal profiles play a larger role. Content is tailored to specific audiences and locations, enhancing authenticity and relevance. Social media planning tools, mobile sharing apps, and content creation tools like Canva make this wider social media strategy more accessible and effective.

Characteristics of the Collaborate Phase

  • Structured involvement of employees or local partners: Companies opt to activate either a larger group of employees as ambassadors or local partners, such as dealers or franchisees, as brand representatives.
  • Authentic and targeted content: Content is tailored to specific audiences and locations, boosting the credibility and relevance of the brand message.
  • Expanded channels: In addition to corporate profiles, personal profiles of employees or local profiles are actively used to reach a broader audience.
  • Collaboration across departments or with partners: Different departments or local partners work together to share the brand message consistently and effectively.

Does This Sound Familiar?

Organizations in the Collaborate phase often notice a stronger and more visible brand presence. Common feedback includes: "Our employees and partners are now regularly sharing content," or "We’re seeing our message spread further than ever." This phase is ideal for companies that already have a social media foundation and now want to expand strategically to reach a larger audience.

Why Move to the Next Phase in the Social Strategy Readiness Model?

The final Performance-Driven phase offers even more in terms of measurement and optimization. By combining employee advocacy and the local hero approach with paid advertising, and integrating social media with CRM and ATS systems, companies can directly link social media efforts to business goals and results. The next phase offers:

  • Data-driven insights on performance: Integration with Business Intelligence tools allows for precise measurement and optimization of each campaign.
  • Strategic impact on business goals: Directly connecting social media with CRM and ATS systems makes it an integral part of critical business processes like sales and recruitment.
  • Targeted advertising: Paid advertising amplifies the organic efforts of employees and partners, reaching specific audiences more effectively and helping the brand grow further.
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