Healthcare and Social Work

Attract New Talent with Your Caregivers

Showcasing what it's like to work at your organization is crucial for recruiting new talent and strengthening your employer branding. People trust people, not just brands. Your caregivers may not always recognize the beauty in their daily activities, but sharing these moments can offer a compelling glimpse into the positive and impactful work environment you provide.

These Top Brands in Healthcare & Social Work use Apostle

Streamlining Social Media for Healthcare & Social Work

Attract Talent with Genuine and Authentic Stories

Sharing real team stories highlights your organization's human side and attracts potential candidates. Help your team capture these moments with ready-made posts, ensuring a consistent, engaging showcase of your workplace culture.

Use Referral Recruitment As Your Main Source of Applicants

76% of job seekers find employment through their personal network. By leveraging your colleagues' networks and being present on social media, you can tap into a much broader network. This approach enhances your reach and connects you with potential candidates who might not otherwise be aware of your opportunities.

Cost Savings and Enhanced Employer Branding

Save 69.7% on recruitment costs per hire by utilizing your colleagues' networks with software like Apostle. A strong employer brand can increase applications by up to 50%. Active brand ambassadors can also speed up job applications by up to 69%.

“Currently, 50 candidates apply monthly at HAP Oost Brabant, with 1 in 2 being highly relevant. Previously, it was 1 in 6 applicants.”

Charlotte Backx - Owner, Copywriting Consultant, and Trainer at Door Lotje Getikt.

Your Socials Like This in the Future?

Plans Perfect for Your Organization

Looking to empower your healthcare professionals as brand ambassadors? These are the packages we recommend!

Top-rated on G2 as a High Performer

Apostle is a leader in Employee Advocacy on G2
Apostle is a leader in Mid-Market Employee Advocacy on G2
Apostle is a leader in EMEA Employee Advocacy on G2
Apostle is a leader in Mid-Market EMEA Employee Advocacy on G2
Apostle is a leader in Mid-Market Europe Employee Advocacy on G2
Apostle is a leader in Mid-Market Europe Social Media Suites on G2
Users love Apostle on G2

Contact Our Sales Team

Whether you have questions about our plans, pricing, or solutions, or just want to explore how we can work together, our sales team is here to help. Reach out today by filling in the form below and discover how we can support your goals!

Crowe Foederer

''Great tool that takes us to the next level. Apostle helps us to increase our local brand awareness, by getting more colleagues involved in sharing.''

Roxanne Daris
Van der Velden

"We found the Apostle experiment to be very easy to start with. After the kick-off, we could start right away, and we're already seeing positive results."

Donna Visser

"The results speak for themselves: in a month, we gained 3.6 times more organic reach than our LinkedIn page - a great addition to our channel mix!"

Carlijne Brouwers
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