last updated:
September 19, 2024

Ultimate Combo Plan

The Ultimate Combo plan is Apostle’s most comprehensive solution, designed for companies that want to fully optimize their social media reach by combining both internal and external advocacy. This plan unites the power of our Core, Activate and Local Hero packages, allowing you to engage employees, dealers, franchisees, clients, and partners all within one unified platform. If your company is serious about leveraging every available channel to boost its social media presence, the Ultimate Combo plan offers the complete toolkit to make it happen.

What the Ultimate Combo plan includes

The Ultimate Combo plan includes all the features from Core, Activate and Local Hero plans, offering an all-in-one solution for advanced advocacy:

  • Employee and dealer advocacy: Manage both internal and external advocates seamlessly, allowing you to maximize your brand’s reach across multiple networks.
  • Branded mobile app: Engage employees and external advocates on the go with Apostle’s mobile app, fully tailored to your corporate branding.
  • AI post variations: Create diverse content variations to keep your social media fresh and engaging, whether posts are shared by employees or external partners.
  • Advanced content mapping: Ensure that the right content reaches the right audience, whether it’s employees, dealers, or franchisees, tailored to specific products, services, or regions.
  • Gamification and leaderboard: Motivate both employees and external advocates with gamified elements and track their efforts through a unified leaderboard.
  • Automated reminders and re-engagement: Keep your network active with automated tools that remind and re-engage your advocates regularly.
  • Extensive brand structure: Manage teams from multiple locations and countries, whether internal or external, all within one dashboard.
  • Dedicated Customer Success Manager (CSM): Benefit from ongoing support and strategic guidance from a dedicated CSM who helps ensure your advocacy strategy is successful.

With these features, the Ultimate Combo plan provides the most comprehensive and flexible solution for companies looking to fully optimize their social media advocacy efforts.

Benefits of using Apostle’s Ultimate Combo plan

The Ultimate Combo plan offers various important benefits:

  1. Total advocacy management: Engage both internal employees and external advocates like dealers and franchisees from a single platform, ensuring consistent and powerful messaging across all channels.
  2. Advanced tools and features: Gain access to Apostle’s most advanced tools, including AI-powered post variations, mobile app, content mapping, and more, allowing you to tailor your strategy for maximum impact.
  3. Unified content strategy: Ensure that all your advocates, whether internal or external, are aligned with your brand’s voice and messaging, resulting in a unified and cohesive social media presence.
  4. Unlimited users: Unlike many competitors, Apostle’s Ultimate Combo plan allows you to connect an unlimited number of users and business pages, making it scalable and cost-effective for large organizations.
  5. Custom integrations: Easily integrate tools like PowerBI, WhatsApp & Bitly, and request custom integrations with CRM, ATS or other systems. 

These benefits make the Ultimate Combo plan the ideal solution for companies that want to harness the full power of both internal and external advocacy, driving greater reach and engagement across all channels.

Who is it for?

The Ultimate Combo plan is perfect for large organizations that want to take their social media strategy to the highest level by integrating both internal employees and external advocates like dealers and franchisees. It’s specifically designed for brands operating across multiple locations, offices, or countries, allowing them to fully leverage every available channel to boost their social media presence. If you’re looking for a comprehensive, all-in-one solution to professionalize your social media efforts and engage all your stakeholders, the Ultimate Combo plan is the perfect choice.

Case Studies

Trek Benelux, a leading bicycle brand, successfully utilized the Ultimate Combo plan to enhance its social media reach across the Benelux region. By aligning their internal teams with a broad network of external dealers, Trek Benelux established a consistent and impactful brand message that resonates with local cycling communities.

The primary challenge was engaging a diverse and geographically dispersed dealer network while maintaining brand consistency across multiple locations. Through the Ultimate Combo plan, Trek Benelux effectively integrated both employees and dealers into a cohesive advocacy strategy. This approach streamlined content creation and distribution, ensuring that each dealer received tailored content relevant to their specific region and audience. Read their full success story here

In summary

The Ultimate Combo plan is Apostle’s most powerful and comprehensive solution, designed for companies that want to maximize their social media reach by combining both internal and external advocacy. With advanced tools, unified content strategies, and the ability to manage both employees and external advocates within one platform, the Ultimate Combo plan provides everything you need to fully optimize your social media efforts. If your company is ready to engage all available channels and stakeholders to drive greater impact, the Ultimate Combo plan is the complete solution to make it happen.

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Trek Benelux

"We support dealers with content, saving them time while regularly promoting our brand and products to a broader audience."

Marijke van Dijk
Crowe Foederer

''Great tool that takes us to the next level. Apostle helps us to increase our local brand awareness, by getting more colleagues involved in sharing.''

Roxanne Daris
Coöperatie DELA

"Nice app that makes it easy to post LinkedIn messages and increase reach. Apostle helps to boost visibility. Very user-friendly!"

Milou Kutscha

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