With nearly everyone using WhatsApp as their primary communication channel, imagine the convenience of pushing social media posts to your colleagues, dealers, and other stakeholders via WhatsApp.
WhatsApp is prominent on every mobile phone. As a result, your ambassadors post more messages on social media.
Via WhatsApp, editing and posting on personal or business pages becomes even easier for your in- and external co-workers
When ambassadors prefer using the app or email, they retain the choice themselves how they want to receive a suggested post.
Your co-workers might overlook suggested posts in the midst of inbox overload. However, with WhatsApp prominently displayed on their phones, these posts stay top-of-mind and are more likely to be shared on social media.
To increase your share rate and improve the engagement of your brand ambassadors even more, you can suggest posts from your company's own WhatsApp Business account. All WhatsApp messages are sent from your brand's name instead of Apostle.
Up to 100
€ 20,-
Up to 200**
€ 40,-
Up to 500
€ 100,-
Up to 1000
€ 195,-
Up to 2000
€ 380,-
Up to 3000
€ 555,-
€ 997,- one time
We'll reach out to you as soon as possible to discuss the next steps so that your company can start using WhatsApp. Get ready to expand your reach!
WhatsApp, a part of Meta, generates revenue through its business use. The costs we incur are based on the number of suggestions in Apostle, except for the first 200 posts if you are subscribed to the Activate or local hero plan. The first 200 posts via WhatsApp are free, and any additional posts beyond that will be charged at the regular rate for extra WhatsApp post suggestions or reminders.
Ambassadors decide how they want to receive a suggestion. It's still possible to use Apostle's mobile app and mail and exclude WhatsApp suggestions.
No, WhatsApp does not store personal data. WhatsApp has the messages end-to-end encrypted.
Discover how to turn your leadership team into thought leaders on social media. Learn how to involve them in employee advocacy for maximum impact.