Bridgestone Mobility Solutions

“The effect that we noticed was that not only our corporate channels were posting and talking about our initiatives, events, and all we do at the company. Now our employees take ownership of that as well.”


“Apostle is the connection between Bridgestone Mobility Solutions as an employer and our employees, because we are showing to the external audience that our employees are proud of working in our company and also willing to spread the word about our organisation as brand ambassadors.” - Pili Ollés Roig, Communications Coordinator at Bridgestone Mobility Solutions.

About Bridgestone Mobility Solutions

Bridgestone Mobility Solutions (BMS), part of Bridgestone, offers an integrated and customizable suite of mobility solutions that help drive greater safety, efficiency and sustainability for fleets, OEMs and consumers.

The Bridgestone Mobility Solutions portfolio features industry-leading products, solutions and digital platforms across several key business areas such as Fleet Management Solutions, Retread Solutions, Advanced Tire Solutions as well as Connected Vehicle Services and Data Solutions.


Before Bridgestone Mobility Solutions started working with Apostle, they had started to implement a strategy for LinkedIn. However, the strategy was mainly focused on posting on the corporate channels. The business wanted to build on its network of engaged employees to tell more of their stories through the corporate channels. “We identified that our employees wanted to post about the company and act as brand ambassadors. We learnt that they wanted to share their ideas with us, but were not always sure how to do this” said Pili Ollés Roig, Communications Coordinator at Bridgestone Mobility Solutions.


Apostle is only used for their external communications on LinkedIn. The goal was to create a two-way avenue between employees and the corporate team, whereby employees had a platform to share ideas for social posts from their local activities and initiatives. This in turn led to increase posts for the business on the people side and created an authentic tone of voice on social media. “Basically, the effect that we noticed was that not only our corporate channels were posting and talking about our initiatives, events, and all we do at the company. Now our employees take ownership of that as well”, according to Pili.

Growing their channels

The organization recently launched a new LinkedIn page, meaning activity and traffic to the page was low at the time. Due to their employees’ active posting through Apostle, they saw their number of followers grow more than expected. “The posts of our employees greatly helped to increase the reach and awareness for our new page, which also resulted in a solid number of followers”.


Pili adds, next to the increased online visibility and presence online: “The effect we’ve seen is that people are more active on their LinkedIn and post about the company, which is our end goal. They feel empowered to tell their own stories. They’re also growing their own networks and reach individually because they post more often. Without Apostle, this wouldn’t happen.”

In 2022, they were awarded as the top voice on social media of Amsterdam HQs. A great compliment for all the brand ambassadors actively posting on social media about the company: "Our work with Apostle is making an impact – we were tagged in a post that said out of all companies headquartered in Amsterdam, we had the second-most active employees on LinkedIn in Q1 2022”, Pili continued.

“Apostle is an intuitive and more customer-focused platform, especially after the revamp,” Pili resumes. It enhances the employees and employer connection and helps the growth of Bridgestone Mobility Solutions on social media. “We see Apostle as the connection between Bridgestone Mobility Solutions as an employer and our employees, because we are showing to the external audience that our employees are proud of working in our company and also willing to spread the word about our organisation as brand ambassadors. We see that our employees feel empowered, and that makes us proud,” Pili concludes. A great way to improve employer branding and new talent attraction.


  • Increased online presence and awareness

  • Enhanced employee and employer connection

  • Top voice on social media of Amsterdam HQ’s

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